December 31, 2016
Dear Savita,
hope that you are having a relaxing holiday and a Happy New Year. I
wanted to share some ideas with you from a conversation that I had with
some fellow residents, most of whom are from Better Cupertino, about how
we can get citizens more involved in civic affairs, and also how we can
build a better working/trust relationship between residents and our
city government.
of the ideas that came up was the State of the City Address in March.
We kind of polled around via email, and a majority of people said that
they had never been able to attend because it was held during the day.
Others felt that it was more of a Chamber of Commerce event and not so
much for the benefit of the public. It would be nice if residents felt
that this was truly for them, and not driven by the Chamber, or Rotary
time of the address is another factor. I know that the event is usually
a for-fee luncheon that may discourage some of the elderly who cannot
afford it, and also the majority of our population who will be working.
Shouldn’t it be more accessible to everyone?
did look up what other cities were doing and most have their’s on a
weekday evening with free admission. Would it be possible to have ours
on an evening with coffee and desserts at the end with some open
socializing for residents to ask questions and get to know you all
better? It could really be a lovely event.
Please let me know what you think. Thank you so much for your consideration.
Danessa Techmanski and Members of Better Cupertino