From: Liang Chao
Date: Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 8:12 AM
Subject: Traffic Congestion Coming from 15-story Buildings on Stevens Creek Blvd.
To: "Jones, Chappie" <>,,,,,,, "Cc: Pressman, Christina" <>, "Ferguson, Jerad" <>, "Xavier, Lesley" <>, "Brilliot, Michael" <>
Date: Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 8:12 AM
Subject: Traffic Congestion Coming from 15-story Buildings on Stevens Creek Blvd.
To: "Jones, Chappie" <>,,,,,,, "Cc: Pressman, Christina" <>, "Ferguson, Jerad" <>, "Xavier, Lesley" <>, "Brilliot, Michael" <>
Dear Council Member Jones and Planning Commissioners,
requested by one Planning Commissioner in the May 24 Planning
Commission meeting, please justify the height numbers used for Stevens
Creek Urban Village (SCUV) and also the other two urban villages to be
approved on June 27 by the City Council.
The SCUV plan will double the existing building
heights of many buildings to 65 feet and quadruple the heights to 120
feet or 150 feet.
The maximum heights of five Urban Village plans already approved:
- The Alameda Urban Village: Up to 85’. Mostly under 65’.
- Roosevelt Park Village Plan: 55’ or 85’.
- Little Portugal Urban Village: 58’ or 70’.
- Five Wounds Urban Village: up to 120’ (one site). Mostly under 70’.
- 24th & William Urban Village: 30’-35’ or 55’-65’.
approved urban village plans above are near the planned BART stations
close to downtown. They are located in an area with easy access existing
CalTrain, light rail, BRTs and bus lines. As one can see, the max
heights are mostly 65 to 85 feet even near San Jose downtown. Only one
site in one Urban Village has the maximum height of 120 feet.
The maximum heights of three Urban Village plans to be approved on June 27:
- Valley Fair/Santana Row Urban Village: Up to 150’. Unlimited with community benefits.
- Winchester Urban Village: up to 85’.
- Stevens Creek Village: 85 feet or up to 120’ to 150’.
with San Jose standards, the maximum heights being throwing at Stevens
Creek Blvd. area are extraordinary and baseless. That area is far away
from any existing or planned BART, light rail or real BRT with dedicated
lanes. How will people commute to and from work then?
EIR for Envision 2040 was done in 2011, which is 6 years ago, and the
traffic congestion has worsened considerably in 2017, especially in the
area of I-280, Lawrence and I-880. The building heights allocated to
SCUV are not consistent with the job and housing allocation assigned to
SCUV, which can fit easily under 65 feet. By doubling the building
heights, you would encourage doubling the density and the amount of
allocation in SCUV. Thus, SCUV does not comply with Envision 2040
General Plan.
justify the max. building heights in the three urban villages to be
approved. Every story generates more density and traffic and more cost
for infrastructure support. The building heights are not just numbers to
be negotiated like in a bargaining game. The building heights have to
make sense in the context of the entire city, based on the
transportation capacity and the allocation.
Liang Chao
Cupertino Resident