- General Plan "Community Vision 2040" did not provide height limit for Vallco Area, istead it says "Per Specific Plan".
- Yet, Sand Hill is now writing Vallco Specific Plan. This is wrong.
- Vallco Specific Plan Advisory Committee should be formed to write Vallco Specific Plan.
- North 40 Specific Plan Advisory Committee in Los Gatos is a great example to follow.
From: Liang C
Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2015
Subject: Developer should not be allowed to write Vallco Specific Plan
To: Gary Chao <garyc@cupertino.org>, planning@cupertino.org, City Council <citycouncil@cupertino.org>
In Figure LU-1 of Community Vision 2040, for Vallco Shopping District Special Area, it states
"West of Wolfe Rd: Maximum Residential Density: 35 units per acre
Maximum Height: Per Specific Plan
East of Wolfe Rd: Maximum Residential Density: 35 units per acre
Maximum Height: Per Specific Plan"
The Maximum Height for Vallco area is not defined in the General Plan at all."West of Wolfe Rd: Maximum Residential Density: 35 units per acre
Maximum Height: Per Specific Plan
East of Wolfe Rd: Maximum Residential Density: 35 units per acre
Maximum Height: Per Specific Plan"
The height is supposed to be specified in the Specific Plan and now the developer is writing the Vallco Specific Plan.
This is wrong. A developer should not write the Vallco Specific Plan even though the developer happens to own that property.
Specific Plan should not become a wish list for a specific developer. A
Specific Plan should still take into account of the best interest of
the entire city, all the residents in the City and especially all the
residents living in surrounding neighborhoods of a specific area.
The city and the residents should be writing the Specific Plan, not a developer.
And now the limit on height is even removed in Community Vision 2040 to be left to the Specific Plan. It is all the more important for the city to organize a Vallco Specific Plan Advisory Committee, with mostly community residents, to write the Specific Plan.
Liang-Fang ChaoAnd now the limit on height is even removed in Community Vision 2040 to be left to the Specific Plan. It is all the more important for the city to organize a Vallco Specific Plan Advisory Committee, with mostly community residents, to write the Specific Plan.
From: Liang C
Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: Developer should not be allowed to write Vallco Specific Plan
To: planning@cupertino.org, City Council citycouncil@cupertino.org
Please follow the example of North 40 Specific Plan Advisory Committee in Los Gatos.
In Los Gatos, North 40 Specific Plan Advisory Committee, consists of 6 city officials and 9 community representatives. This committee submits the Specific Plan for review by the Planning Commission and the City Council. Therefore, the North 40 Specific Plan is prepared by the city and the community, NOT the developer, as it should be.
The North 40 project in Los Gatos is quite similar in size to Vallco Redevelopment Project.
The North 40 refers to approximately 40 acres located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Highways 85 and 17. In the current General Plan, adopted in 2010, the guiding principals of North 40 include a mix of uses.
In Los Gatos, North 40 Specific Plan Advisory Committee, consists of 6 city officials and 9 community representatives. This committee submits the Specific Plan for review by the Planning Commission and the City Council. Therefore, the North 40 Specific Plan is prepared by the city and the community, NOT the developer, as it should be.
The North 40 project in Los Gatos is quite similar in size to Vallco Redevelopment Project.
The North 40 refers to approximately 40 acres located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Highways 85 and 17. In the current General Plan, adopted in 2010, the guiding principals of North 40 include a mix of uses.