Friday, March 24, 2017

Muni - Citizens' Advisory Committee for a private property on tax payer dime - Why?

From: Munisekar
Date: Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 12:29 AM
Subject: Citizens' Advisory Committee for a private property on tax payer dime - Why?
Cc:, City Council <>, Munisekaran Madhdhipatla <>

Dear Mayor Vaidhyanathan, Vice Mayor Paul, and Council Members Scharf, Chang and Sinks,

Please record my email as part of the public record on the topic of formation of Citizens Advisory Committee for VallCo project.

I have been hearing though various channels and in city council meetings that there is a desire to form Citizens Advisory Committee to come up with the most optimal build out plan for VallCo property; And, it is going to cost our city tax payer dollars to the tune of $1 million. If this were to happen, I would be very disappointed in all of you as an elected body as we want you to focus on Cupertino as whole to look at matters more holistically than worrying about a private property owner.

We all know that this developer took their proposal directly to the voters recently by-passing all established processes and spent $7 mil on propaganda to mislead our citizens. The citizens wisely voted down their proposal considering the massive negative impact of their project on our residents quality of life, impact to schools and traffic. Now, the ball in the property owner court to come back with an alternate plan conforming to General Plan guidelines for city approval or pitch an alternate proposal to citizens in next election.

Why is the city rushing to spend our tax payer $$s to the tune of $1 million to help come up with a plan to maximize profitability of a private enterprise? I don't think this is appropriate and ethical. I hope you all make the right decision of not wasting our tax payer money to benefit a private enterprise by killing this CAC idea being advanced by few associated with construction lobby.

If we set this precedence, then what is next? Should we expect 
CAC for Oaks Development? 
CAC for Scandinavian Design?

Please put an end to this ill-fated idea of CAC for VallCo; don't spend my tax $$s to benefit a private enterprise.

Muni Madhdhipatla
Cupertino Resident

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