Sunday, November 15, 2015

Liang - EIR impact on burglary rate, traffic accident, crossing guard, book availability in library

From: Liang C
Date: Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 5:41 PM
Subject: Comment on Vallco EIR - impact on civic services - more
To: "City of Cupertino Planning Dept."

RE: Comment on Vallco EIR
Many resident feel that the increase in burglary rate and even heard about a case with gunshot last week.
Please study the number of incidents of various types in Cupertino and surrounding cities.
Please study the impact of the added population and especially non-resident population on the police incident rates.
This project will put Cupertino on a path to urbanization. Please compare the crime rate of Cupertino with the crime rate of urban cities. Please also compare the investment in police force of Cupertino against that of other urban cities.
Many resident feel that traffic around schools is getting worse as the number of students attending each school increases.
Cupertino schools were designed as small neighborhood schools, but they are now double in the number of enrollment per school.
There is no funding for enough crossing guards to protect the safety of children walking or biking to school.
There is not enough police around to ensure safety around schools by warning dangerous driving behavior today.
As the traffic gets more congested, there will be more impatient parents and more accidents might happen.
Please provide data on traffic accidents in Cupertino citywide and around schools.
Please provide data on bicycles and pedestrian accidents, especially during school peak hours.
Please compare the data with other urban cities to estimate the increase as Cupertino becomes an urban city by building Vallco.
Please exam routes to school from different parts of the attendance area in CUSD and FUHSD to study the amount of extra vehicles during peak hour. Please exam traffic safety, air pollution and noise on these routes to schools.
Many residents already feel that there are not enough books in the library. Whenever one wants to borrow a book, most likely all volumes in Cupertino Library are all out on loan. One can either make a request and wait a few days; or one has to drive down to Saratoga Library or Campbell Library where most books are available on shelves.
Please evaluate the impact on the library usage by the amount of time a library patron has to wait to get book requests fulfilled. Please evaluate the amount of library books in Cupertino library stay on shelf to allow direct access by library patrons.
When no such data is available, please indicate that you cannot evaluate this aspect of the impact because of insufficient data. Please do not simply conclude that there is no significant impact on the library services when there is a large increase in residence population and worker population.

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