Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Cathy H. - Vallco EIR Scoping - water weight, drainage, air quality, soil, trees , utilities

From: Cathy Helgerson
Date: Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 8:27 AM
Subject: EIR Vallco
To: piug@cupertino.org, planning@cupertino.org


These are my comments Piu Ghosh please e-mail me and let me know if you received them. 

Cathy Helgerson 
CAP - Citizens Against Pollution 

TO:              City of Cupertino, Community Development, Attn: Piu Ghosh – Senior Planner
From:          Cathy Helgerson

Regarding:  Vallco Shopping Center EIR – The Public’s right to comment as follows:
The Vallco Shopping Center consists of the District Specific Plan and the Hills at Vallco Project.
I am against the 30 acre green roof as follow:                                                                                                                                   

1) The weight of the water on the building grass, trees and plants when it rains and when it is watered
we are in a drought this water even thou it is recycled can be used someplace else. The weight of the
dirt and what will this all do to the structure of the building can it withstand all of the weight what about  the wear and tear over the years how will all of it hold up?

2) Water that is stationary breed’s mosquitos we were just sprayed with poison to kill off the mosquitos  in Cupertino so how will this garden grow?

3) Kids playing in the water and on the wet grass problem with slipping and falling will the Vallo owners pay for any accidents and incidents this project is a safety hazard in more ways than one. How about people falling or jumping off the building all kinds of things could happen when people are up on top of building people jump off bridges and building all the time. Will the owner higher a guard and will he be able to stop any problems on this roof top?

4) The expense of replacing the trees, plants and grass as time goes on this money can be used for more important things even if the owner is paying for it. It is ashamed that this use of money to put this green roof could not be used to feed the hunger and homeless people that live in Cupertino and the surrounding areas.

5) Where will this recycled water come from and how will it be brought up to the roof water is water it has to come from some place even recycled water who will monitor that? I suspect that the builder will use regular water and will not worry about the expense if no one is watching.

6) Drainage who will monitor the amount of water held up on the roof what if we do have rain in future a great deal of rain will the drainage be sufficient?

List of titles given on EIR and Comments as follows:
Aesthetics: Yes, definitely building mass, and height, lighting, and possible glare to adjacent land use of course there will be problems of all kinds in these areas I am totally opposed to this project because of all of these adverse environmental effects. I feel very sorry for the people that will be living around Vallco because of the problems above and also I am sure more problems that will come up.

Air Quality: The Silicon Valley has terrible air quality and things for sure are not going to get any better ever unless we make sure that where there is or could be a problem or problems are looked at and resolved. The Vallco Projects as a whole will create air, water and soil pollution on land and in the sewer areas. Water recycled over and over has great problems and how will this water be treated as so not to cause a health problem. Children will play in water no matter where it is and it will be a health hazard and problem.

The air pollution why would you really want to put people on top of a building with the poor air quality out there the higher you get the worse it is this will cause many health problems and even death. Staying inside on especially spare the air days are a must so why put people outside on top of buildings.

The soil is polluted already because of Lehigh Southwest Cement and Quarry and their operations they do not even close down during spare the air days and are causing the pollution we have to live with. The BAAQMD does very little to really control the pollution from Lehigh Cement and Quarry and they will not be able to control the air pollution coming from the construction of the Vallco projects.

The underground garage will also cause air pollution and there should not be any underground garages because of air pollution and also because of earth quakes.

Biological Resources – Trees and nesting birds – It is very important that the City keep trees of all kinds and also we must consider the nesting birds in these trees. We must have the City water the trees in order to keep them alive. Pollution contaminates not only people but trees Lehigh Southwest Cement is contaminating the trees and birds as well as humans and animal alike chopping down trees at a glance is no way to keep the population healthy remember that.

Historical – Not sure how that will be a factor in the EIR but if there is any historical value of any kind I am for it save it for our future and our children.

Geology and Soils – Seismic (Earth Quakes) yes, I believe that any building or additional weight on the ground needs to be looked at and considered in regards to Earth Quakes. We live near the San Andres fault line and other fault lines that any real disturbances including Lehigh Southwest Cement and Quarry and the Steven Creek Quarry with a new pit and mining could cause the next major earth quake. More building and higher buildings with more weight on the ground does cause earth quakes.

Hazardous Soil Conditions – The soil should be tested to make sure that there is no hazards related to
the soil of any kind this should be a given. If there is any contamination and I am pretty sure that there could be especially with lead on the soil it needs to be taken out and disposed of. The tearing up and new construction could be a serious hazard if not looked into regarding lead and other pollutants that could become air born and hurt the public health wise.

Underground Garages – Problem first with air pollution cumulating underground which will hurt humans and animals alike. The problem with a possible earth quake I do not think we should build underground garages at all in Cupertino and California.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions – the increase of people businesses and cars will bring more pollution and
with that pollution goes health problems. The contribution of this pollution is helping to cause the
drought here in the valley, the US and the world we need to stop polluting the air, water and soil.

Hydrology and Water quality – Whenever tearing down structures there is concrete to deal with and
other building materials these are hazardous pollutants to the workers and to the neighborhood. It is
well known that air pollution can fly for miles so it is well to say that concrete has Mercury in it and that this will poison, contaminate and pollute the public. Read the information given on a package of
concrete that you or a contractor my purchase it mentions the hazardous warning on the label package
so this must be considered when any property is under new construction. The rain water or any other
water used to keep down the dust will wash into our groundwater and this will put a great impact on
our water quality.

Land use - Tree conservation is important and Cupertino has already lost way too many trees and
counting and this is due to the drought and also due to the new building and parking lot construction
going on all over the city. It is very important that the City understand that planting new small tiny trees take time to grow and it will take years in the meantime we have lost the benefits that the trees bring.

More people moving into an area will bring more pollution on all levels noise pollution, traffic problems and construction problems will cause hazards of all kinds for months and probably years.

Noise and Vibration – there will be a long period of time that the public will have to endure this problem traffic will have to be rerouted around the building project on Steven Creek and Wolf Rd. this will cause problems on other streets as well. The backup of traffic on 280 alone will be and absolute nightmare how will the City handle this problem only time will tell we need to know what the City plans.

Transportation – With 280 Wolf Exit and Street improvement this will close down 280 which will put a terrible impact on De Anza Blvd and the Lawrence Street entrance to the freeway on Steven Creek again how will the City of Cupertino handle this? The traffic we must remember will always be a great problem more people means more traffic problems.

Utilities and Service – Sanitary sewer, storm drain, water, and solid waste services will be tested to their limits and the question still remains is there enough resources provided by the Cupertino Sanitation Department and the SJ Water Treatment Plant? I for one am not so sure this project needs to be submitted to the Cupertino Sanitation Department for approval if there is not enough lines or space they can refuse the project all together I want proof that there is enough space and I want it in writing submitted with this EIR. This information should be provided by both the Cupertino Sanitation Department and also the SJ Water Treatment Plant before any building of this project takes place and it should be available to the public.

Summary – The people of Cupertino want what is best for all parties concerned and we are very worried that projects of this magnitude can cause undue suffering to the public therefore we would like a very clear and a justified review of all of the hazards of all kinds that could take place. It is up to the City of Cupertino to make clear decisions with all of the precautions that must take place to insure our safety and the safety of our families this should not go unnoticed. Please review my comments and take them into consideration.

Thank You.

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