Monday, November 16, 2015

Govind - Vallco impact - comparative study, misc

From: Govind Tatachari
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 4:53 PM
Subject: Vallco Project EIR
To: cityclerk <>,, citycouncil <>, planning <>

Dear planning commissioners and council members,

The proposed Vallco project is too humongous and will not only have a huge enviromental impact but also alter the quality of life of residents of Cupertino as well as those in neighboring areas on a vast scale. It behoves that all of you who represent the residents of Cupertino City must exercise caution by making sure that the scope of environmental impact is as comprehensive as possible.

The environmental study should not only include the estimates of the impact but also all the assumptions made to arrive at the estimates including references to existing authoritative sources of data and calculations used as part of the assumptions and estimates. In case of all the significant and unavoidable impacts the estimates should provide specific values and avoid using a grade scale since it is impossible to discern the real value from grade scale. The estimates should include both impact from individual classes of allocations and cumulative Impacts

The scope should include a comparative study of environmental impact of existing zoning with existing retail space allocation vis-a-vis the new zoning and new retail, housing and allocation that the council approved on Dec 4th, 2014. In case if the developer requests for additional allocation, the comparative study should also include the environmental impact of the difference requested vis-a-vis the Dec 4th approved allocation.

The scope of environmental impact study should include at the minimum the following areas (on local, citywide and neighborhood city basis):
 1. Traffic and transportation impact
 2. Open space
 3. Population and housing pressure due to increased office space
 4. Public Services
 5. Utilities and Service Systems
 6. Energy requirements and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
 7. Air Quality
 8. Hydrology (including water table) and water quality
 9. Biological resources in the current and neighbouring areas
10. Waste disposal include sewerage and other wastes
11. Noise
I believe there are set california state standards for what is included in these categories and specific areas in terms of an environmental impact study.
Thanking you in this regard.
Govind Tatachari
Cupertino Resident

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