Sunday, November 15, 2015

Lisa - Vallco EIR Scoping Comments - comprehensive

Original comment:


VALLCO   EIR   SCOPING  COMMENTS    -  November 10, 2015
 Pre construction and During construction impacts absolutely need to be studied for anything
being considered in the Vallco area.  How will any project be ‘staged’?  Deconstruction health and
environmental issues must be addressed.  The air and water quality before, during, and after
construction need to be studied.   So many people are concerned about the local cement plant and
it’s impacts on our natural resources and our health.  It is believed by many that the Apple 2 project
construction has had a far worse effect on our environment and toxins being released by the
cement plant.  A FULL analysis of all materials that are part of the existing structures… and
underground… needs to be studied for the safety of our health.    
How long will any proposed construction take  ?  How will traffic, safety, bicycle and
pedestrian routes, noise, air, water,  public services,  law enforcement, infrastructure be
effected ?
FULLY study what the effects on deconstruction/construction requirements will have on the
‘not yet’ completed and occupied Apple 2 Campus and Main Street complex.  Travel of any
kind in these, and surrounding, areas is already a significant challenge. We have seen the
disruption that such construction causes to several environmental elements. .  Quality of life
including air and noise pollution, as well as safety has been compromised.  Regardless of what
Vallco development may be,  the impacts that it will have on the currently unknown (based on non-
completion and non-occupancy)   traffic, safety, pollution of all sorts, infrastructure of all kinds,  will
be staggeringly significant.  How does David J. Powers and Associates, or anyone,  even begin to
analyze the unknown….using the unknown..?
 ALL projects We all know there are projects under construction that are destined to entirely
change numerous aspects what an EIR studies.   VERY careful attention must be made to NOT
MINIMIZE, or omit what is already under construction OR approved in the REGION, not only
Cupertino.    What will be the cumulative impact of this project plus other projects in Cupertino,
neighboring cities,  and the County.    Especially the nearby Apple campus expansion, Main Street,
and anything
 The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker.  Need to study all impacts related to the
additional work force that will be necessary to keep a project of this mix and magnitude running
effectively.  The employees and contractors that will be needed to support  daily functions
magnifies the actual number of people traveling to the project What is a realistic figure as to the
number of ‘extra people’  aside from projected office, residential, and retail ‘residents’ .

 Loss of Retail – Can’t ignore this detail.   More people, but less goods and services !!!!   This
effects multiple environmental concerns, and needs to be properly addressed in any study of any
size/mix of project. 

 Loss of Commercial services.  See above.  Also, for both Losses- So many environmental
issues..  and  city revenue from taxes - lost.    This can’t be ignored either.

 Traffic analysis – There are two methodologies for traffic analysis.  It is important that the EIR use
BOTH the current level of service methodology currently in use and the vehicle miles travelled
methodology that has been released in draft form by the Office of Planning and Research.  In
addition,  if EITHER  approach indicates significant impacts, the impacts should be considered
 significant.  Include in report that any significant impacts ARE avoidable.  You avoid them by not
approving a project that creates the traffic. Pollution from traffic must be studied also.

 Parking… oh the parking….   Amount and accessibility, and flow.  Public safety concerns related
to design of structures.  Air quality associated with vehicles traveling (including ‘circling’) to find
parking both in ‘open’ and ‘enclosed’ parking areas.  Excessive amounts of carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, NOX emissions will likely be an issue.  EIR should study health and safety issues
related to extremely poor air quality caused by these gaseous chemicals.
 Water supply - EIR should analyze increased water demand and whether it will increase stress on
Santa Clara Valley Water District, the local water wholesaler, or the State Water Project, the
eventual source of SCVWD’s water. How will water for the green roof park area be provided? How
will it be stored, treated?  How will rain water and piped water be drained from the entire site? 
Where will the run off gather and flow too?

 Power supply should be studied - What will be the electrical and gas supply for the new project?
How much will the project increase greenhouse gas generation? How will GHG generation be

 Internet Services  and Cellular Service  capabilities need to be studied.  There should be a way
to provide adequate service to all residents and businesses without erecting faux trees and towers
in numerous areas.   How will the amount of adequate service effect the health of those who live
and work in the area ?

 Housing  The study (EIR) should analyze how the entire project,  ALL uses together, AND
individually, will   impact the immediate area, the entire city, the school districts, the region.  Will the
project result in increasing the pressure on the local housing market, resulting in increased housing
sale and rental prices and forcing lower income households out of the area, increasing their
commute distances to reach jobs in the area?  Type of housing units needs to be analyized, along
with size of units.  Compare ‘for rent apartments’  to  ‘for sale condos/townhouses’  .  Impact on
power and water supplies,  property tax income, quality of life, etc.

 Seismic safety impacts of the massive ‘dirt moving’,  grading , haul off, concrete, non-permeable
hardscape, glass, large green roof park area, etc   must be analyzed/studied/considered.   Has
such a large green roof project been done previously in a seismically active area like Cupertino?
The drought has put stress on the soils and created lowering of grade, and  significant ‘fissures’ in
the land/soils.   Ground water has been depleted significantly.  The EIR needs to address this fact
and analyze any and all cumulative effects that mother nature has created  as it relates to safe
building practices. 

 Existing Trees and  significant landscaping.  Something that needs to be considered and
addressed is how the project proposal will impact all of the trees that exist on the Vallco site,
including street trees.  How will structure footprint, and height , effect available sunlight and the
amount of rain that will reach the trees/landscaping?  What are the risks to existing trees during
deconstruction and enormous amounts of digging, drilling, grading and reshaping of land ?

 Visual Pollution.    Preservation of, and impact on, VIEWS.    EIR should include study of these.
The proposed building height, setbacks, building plane, VERSUS  the requirements in the General
Plan  for these  things.  Building GLARE when glass and bare metal are used… or even white/light
finishes/materials are used.

 Lighting.  Light Pollution.  The GLOW and effect.  – Include analysis of what the effects of any
project mix/size will have on surrounding areas that will suffer from constant non-natural light
during dark hours.  Including the effects of this related to auto and bike travel.

 Reflective Glass -  Heat generated by sunlight reflected off of treated glass is significant.  The
office buildings at Main Street are only one example.  EIR study should include the environmental
effects of  various square footage amounts and locations of reflective glass materials.   How does
generated heat effect, temperature, heath, landscaping, animal life, water evaporation and air

 Wildlife -  EIR should study the effects on wildlife under current conditions, during deconstruction,
during construction, and post construction. 

Lisa Warren
Cupertino Resident since 1986

Added as a separate comment on ‘Access’

EIR must study any and all required EIR criteria as they relate to off site
development that is the subject of the June 9, 2015 Sand Hill Properties
Company 'Letter of Intent'  written to, and signed by, Cupertino Union School
District Superintendent and CUSD Board of Education President (CUSD signatures
dated June 16, 2015).  If the intent is truly there, then any related development
is part of the application for The Hills at Vallco, and must be considered part of
the project that is being studied in the Vallco Specific Plan Area.

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